Love punched Hate in the face,
grabbed hate by the throat.
Love scared the shit out of Hate.
Love beat the shit out of Hate,
literally made Hate shit itself.
Love made Hate eat shit and die.
Hate avoided thoughts and images related to having
Witnessed fellow Hates’ being hurt by Love.
Love called Hate names, told Hate what to do. Love
Isolated Hate from friends and family. Love intimidated
And diminished Hate making Hate feel frightened through
Threats of violence. Love coerced Hate into posing for nude
Photographs. Love hit Hate. Love threatened to destroy
Hate, threatened to destroy Hate’s possessions. Love
Criticised how Hate dressed. Threatened to share intimate
Details of Hate. Love put down Hate in front of others and in
Private. Love threw objects at Hate. Love pulled Hate’s hair
Out. Love slapped, smacked and kicked Hate, twisted
Hate’s Arms. Love devalued Hate’s opinion and took credit for
Hate’s success. Love threatened to hurt Hate’s loved ones.
Love scratched Hate’s skin
Love burned Hate, scalded Hate,
hit Hate, banged Hate’s head against the wall
Love stuck objects into Hate’s skin,
intentionally prevented Hate’s wounds from healing,
Forced Hate to swallow inappropriate objects.
Violence Hate suffered at the hands of Love,
contributed to Hate’s ill health and premature death.
Hate died more than a year after
Sustaining injuries caused by Love.
Love caused Hate actual bodily harm,
wounded Hate with intent causing Hate
Grievous bodily harm, attempting murder,
assaulted Hate.
Love taught Hate a lesson. Love taught Hate a lesson Hate
Would never forget.
Love stabbed Hate in the back
With such force that of the eleven stabbing
Injuries seven had gone right through Hate
Using a long and heavy love, Love’s
Stabs had gone through Hate’s clothing
And in and out of Hate’s body.
Love slayed Hate brutally, stabbing Hate
Repeatedly with a love, shooting Hate through the
Heart with a love before dumping Hate outside
Hate’s home. Love carried on stabbing Hate with
A love long after Hate was dead, leaving Hate’s corpse
On the ground with a love still in Hate’s back.
Love loved Hate lovingly, loving Hate
Repeatedly with love, loving Hate through the
Heart with a love before loving Hate outside
Hate’s home. Love carried on loving Hate with
A love long after Hate was love. Leaving Hate’s love
On the ground with a love still in Hate’s back.
Love loved Hate in the back
With such force that of the eleven loving
Loves seven had gone right through Hate
Using a long and heavy love, Love’s
Loves had gone through Hate’s clothing
And in and out of Hate’s body.
Love broke Hate’s bones with sticks and stones.
Hatred in tears at the hands of Love.
Hatred crying out Hatred’s heart.
Hatred’s heart was broken apart
By Love with love on purpose.
Love gave Hate a permanent smile with a sharp knife.
Love attacked Hate with a happy
Leaving Hate bloodied and unconscious.
Hate carried the emotional and physical scars
Inflicted by Love on Hate for ever.
Love punching, slapping and kicking Hate.
Love shouted angrily at Hate
Love hit Hate
Love threatened Hate
Love hit Hate again
Love left Hate badly bruised
Love left Hate scared of
Love pissed on Hate’s bones and had Love’s children piss On Hate’s bones and had Love’s children’s children piss on Hate’s bones and had Love’s children’s children’s children Piss on Hate’s bones and had Love’s children’s children’s Children’s children piss on Hate’s bones and had Love’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children piss on Hate’s bones and had Love’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children piss on Hate’s bones and had Love’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children piss on Hate’s bones and had Love’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children piss on Hate’s bones and had Love’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children piss on Hate’s bones And had Love’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children Piss on Hate’s bones and had Love’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children piss on Hate’s bones and had Love’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children piss on Hate’s bones and had Love’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children piss on Hate’s bones and had Love’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children piss on Hate’s bones and had Love’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children piss on Hate’s bones and had Love’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children piss on Hate’s bones.
Love separated Hate from
Hate’s children, removed Hate’s
Children and forbade Hate’s children
From speaking Hate’s language.
Love discriminated against Hate
On the grounds of sex, race, colour, class, language,
Religion, political opinion, national and or social
Origin, property, birth and sexual orientation,
Gender, identity/reassignment status, marital
Status, pregnancy, paternity and maternity
Status and disability.
Love didn’t act to protect Hate from ill treatment and the
Immediate risks Love knew full fucking well about. Love
Recklessly endangered Hate.
Love danced on Hate’s grave. Love’s children danced on Hate’s Grave. Love’s children’s children danced on Hate’s grave. Love’s Children’s children’s children danced on Hate’s grave. Love’s Children’s children’s children’s children danced on Hate’s Grave. Love’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children Danced on Hate’s grave. Love’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children danced on Hate’s grave. Love’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children danced on Hate’s grave. Love’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children Danced on Hate’s grave. Love’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children Danced on Hate’s grave. Love’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children danced on Hate’s grave. Love’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children danced on Hate’s grave. Love’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children danced on Hate’s grave. Love’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children danced on Hate’s grave. Love’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children danced on Hate’s Grave. Love’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children danced on Hate’s grave. Love’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s children’s Children’s children’s children’s children’s children danced on Hate’s grave.
Love wouldn’t let Love’s children play with Hate’s children.
Love made Hate change behaviour as a result of
Making Hate feel frightened through threats and acts
Of physical and emotional violence.
Love made Hate change behaviour as a result of
Making Hate feel loved through threats and acts
Of physical and emotional love.
Love made Hate disappear, stone-
Walled Hate, gave Hate the silent
Treatment, shut Hate out, closed Hate
Down, pretended Hate wasn’t there.
Love keeping Hate in the dark,
talked about Hate behind Hate’s back.
Hate’s cries fell on Love’s deaf ears.
Love kept Hate from holding Love to account.
Love interfered with Hate
Intentionally, inflicting severe physical
And mental pain on Hate for the
Purpose of obtaining information,
Punishment and intimidation,
Degrading Hate’s dignity,
Imprisoning Hate arbitrarily
Without fair trial.
Love blamed Hate.
Love did Hate in.
Put Hate to death.
Put Hate to sleep.
Took Hate’s life.
Did away with Hate.
Love killed Hate.
Love did nothing to protect Hate’s life. Subjected Hate to
Torture and degrading treatment and punishment, debased
And humiliated Hate held in slavery and required Hate to
Perform compulsory labour. Love forced Hate into labour
Without voluntary consent to perform work but Hate did so
Because Love threatened Hate both physically and
Psychologically. Love forced Hate to perform work with little
Or no wages in a condition in which Hate was effectively
Prevented from escaping for fucksake.
Love made Hate pay for protesting, denied Hate from
Associating with other Hates’ and gathering together with
Other Hates’ for a common purpose and Love made Hate pay
For not participating, denied Hate from not associating with
Other Hates’ and or Loves’ and not gathering together with
Other Hates’ and or Loves’ for a loving purpose.
Love gave Hate a hiding.
Love had a chilling effect on Hate’s
Fucking freedom of speech and the fucking values
Hate placed on particular forms of fucking
Expression and the fucking mediums Hate used.
Love denied Hate
An effective education that
Was adequate and appropriate.
Love denied Hate the capacity to enjoy
Possessions. Love deprived Hate of
Possessions and Love subjected Hate’s
Possessions to Love’s ffffucking control.
Love made Hate pay. Love took advantage of Hate taking Hate
For a fool, making Hate poor, getting wealthy at Hate’s
Expense. Making money off of Hate’s back Love sold
Hate’s Truth for cash and paid Hate back with sadness, sold Hate’s
Love and dreams for money and paid Hate a salary of smiles and lies.
Love exposed Hate to infection. Love
Denied Hate medical attention.
Love ripped off Hate’s head and shat down Hate’s neck.
Love gouged out Hate’s eyes and pissed on Hate’s brain. Ripped off Hate’s arms at the roots.
Love got fat starving Hate.
Hate starved got Love fat.
As Hate skin and bones b-b-begged
For food freezing cold outside sad,
warm indoors belly full happy fat
Love turned on Hate Love’s back.
Love broke Hate Two’s heart, lied to Hate Two about Love’s
Long-term relationship with Hate One. Love used lies of loving Hate
Two as leverage to coerce Hate One into having children With Love.
Love intimidated and diminished Hate. Love entered Hate’s
Home without consent. Love made Hate homeless for money
After putting up Hate’s rent.
Love made Hate cry.
Love set Hate on fire.
Love wouldn’t piss on Hate,
If Hate was Hate on fire.
Love left Hate to die.
Love spat at Hatred
Love made Hatred cry
Love wouldn’t spit on Hatred,
If Hatred was Hatred on fire.
Love would leave Hatred to die.
Love loved Hate from behind.
Loved Hate at least twenty nine times
And loved Hate to love making off
With Hate’s love.
Love attacked Hate from behind.
Beat Hate at least twenty nine times and
Strangled Hate to death making off
With Hate’s valuables.
Love touched Hate without consent.
Love touched Hate as hard
As Love could touch Hate
with fists.
Love denied Hate the capacity to enjoy
Possessions. Love deprived Hate of
Possessions and Love subjected Hate’s
Possessions to Love’s ffffucking control.
Upstairs Love stole,
Hate’s mother’s jewellery
From Hate’s mother’s bedroom
While Hate sat downstairs
Attending to Hate’s dying mother.
Love had a special
Place in hell for Hate.
Love kicked Hate
When Hate was down.
Love didn’t laugh with Hate.
Love laughed at Hate.
Love caused Hate stress and hostility over time, had Hate
Experience physical and emotional problems, like headaches,
Nausea, cystitis, depression, anxiety, problems sleeping and
Eating and loss of self confidence through harassment. Love
Harassed Hate, Hate suffered unwanted behaviour of a sexual
Nature that made Hate feel distressed, intimidated and or
Humiliated. Love harassed Hate with unwanted conduct of a
Sexual nature that had the purpose and or effect of
Violating Hate’s dignity creating a hostile, degrading,
Humiliating and or offensive environment for Hate. Love
Made, wrote and spoke comments of a sexual nature.
Happiness made inappropriate comments about Hate’s
Appearance and posed inappropriate questions about Hate’s
Sex life. Love stared at Hate’s body, leering at Hate. Love’s
Physical behaviour towards Hate included unwelcome sexual
Advances and touching, unwanted physical contact and sexual
Assault. Love bullied and coerced Hate in a sexual nature and
Subjected Hate to unwelcome and inappropriate promises of
Rewards in exchange for sexual favours.
Love ripped out Hate’s heart,
Love tore Hate’s life apart.
Love destroys Hate from inside,
Love incites Hate to commit suicide.
Love made Hate wear a noose,
around Sadness’s neck in mock execution.
Love took a happy to Hate’s head,
again and again until Hate was dead.
Love groomed Hate, having a measure of control over Hate. Love coerced and encouraged Hate into doing things leaving Hate feeling trapped in situations whereby refusal would leave Hate with less control. Over time Love introduced abusive Acts that Hate felt coerced into allowing. Consent was coerced Therefore not consent. Hate was left carrying the shame of the Events often represented in a sense of complicity – that Hate Had let it happen. This self-blame made the abuse impossible To talk about. Grooming made it impossible to identify when The abuse Love was exposing Hate to was happening and Impossible to identify and talk about in retrospect.
Love fucked Hate over.
Love wouldn’t touch Hate if
Hate was the last Hate on earth.
Love broke Hate’s will.
Love made Hate feel that
Hate’s death was imminent.
Love made Hate feel that
Hate’s death had taken place.
Love verbally threatened Hate’s life.
Blindfolding Hate, Love held
An unloaded gun to the back
Of Hate’s head and pulled
the trigger.
Love waterboarded Hate,
Simulating Hate drowning.
Love threatened Hate
With impending death.
Love took Hate to a remote area
And made Hate dig Hate’s own grave.
Love pretended Hate would be shot.
Love took Hate’s child
Around a building out of Hate’s sight,
Hate was led to believe
That Hate’s child had been executed when
Two shots were fired.
Love caused Hate flashbacks
In which Hate felt as though
Hate had already died.
Love used ropes to elicit
A confession from Hate.
Love hung Hate by the arms,
from the wrists.
Hate suffered long term damage
To Hate’s arms losing strength
And movement in one arm,
Suffering total paralysis
In the other arm.
Love tied hate’s elbows behind hate’s back and tightened Them until they touched. Love hung Hate by Hate’s limbs. Love tied Hate’s elbows behind Hate’s back and arched Hate’s Back with a rope stretched from the feet to the throat. Tension created in the muscles by this extreme tightening Exacerbated by hanging Hate from Hate’s limbs caused Hate Lasting nerve damage.
Love electrocuted Hate
With a device designed to deliver
A shock attached to a car battery.
Love caused Hate to understand that
“I love you” is equal to “I hate you”.
Love raped Hate and forced Hate
To watch Hate’s family being cut down.
Love allowed Hate alone to live
So that Hate would die of sadness.
Love repeatedly raped Hate until
Hate was pregnant and then
Forcibly detained Hate until
Hate delivered Love’s children.
Love violated Hate’s honour
Love beat the soles of Hate’s feet
Leaving Hate’s feet insensitive to
Temperature causing lasting severe
Pain and an altered gait while walking.
Love removed Hate’s
Fingernails, teeth and digits.
The physical pain and
Lifelong impairment
Such torture brought Hate
Was only part of the punishment.
Hate also became a social pariah
Because of Hate’s wounds.
Love cut off Hate’s air supply
In a number of ways causing Hate
Seizures and loss of consciousness
Resulting in brain damage, memory-
Loss and coma.
Love forced Hate to sit for hours
In icy water, infected with all manner of disease,
inflicted with wounds mimicking those received
On the battlefield.
Love would then treat Hate with reckless,
Painful procedures that end in Hate’s death.
Love used Love’s body to inflict harm on Hate.
Love left Hate disfigured and fighting for Hate’s life.
Michael Dean was born in 1977, he lives and works in London. In 2001 he graduated from Goldsmiths, University of London with a BA in Fine Art. His artistic practice investigates the relationship between the three-dimensional possibilities of language and physicality, using different media: sculpture, text and typography. His most recent solo exhibitions include: TU TEXTO AQUÍ, Museo Rufino Tamayo, Mexico City, Mexico (2019), CONTEMPORARY SCULPTURE: SAM ANDERSON & MICHAEL DEAN, Boca Raton Museum of Art, Florida, US (2019), HAVING YOU ON, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead (2018), ANALOGUE LOL, ShanghArt Gallery, Shanghai (2018), FOUR FUCKSAKES, Herald St | Museum St, London (2017), TEAXTHS AND ANGERUAGE, Portikus, Frankfurt (2017), SIGHTINGS: MICHAEL DEAN OR LOST TRUE LEAVES, Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas (2016) and QUALITIES OF VIOLENCE, De Appel, Amsterdam (2015).