“By their very a priori assumption or idea, if you prefer, works of art become part of the context of culpability. When they succeed they transfer blame, only to find themselves having to atone for trying to escape.”
T.W. Adorno, Aesthetic Theory
All images from TIMM RAUTERT, KOORDINATEN, 2000
Timm Rautert is a photographer born in 1941 in Tuchel, Western Prussia. After studying at the Essener Folkwang school under Otto Steinert, Rautert worked for ZEIT and GEO magazine in the 70s. From 1993 to 2007 he held a professorship at the School of Visual Arts in Leipzig, Germany. In 2008 Rautert was the first photographer to be awarded the prestigious german Lovis Corinth award for his life’s work.